To begin, I prefer this story a bit more than your other one, if that helps any. This story felt more complete, since I thought your other story would have been better if you were given a larger word limit to describe your idea. Despite some awkward wording, I also thought this one was better written.
Concerning just this piece, I enjoyed it over many other pieces so far in this contest, but I still have a few criticisms. One is that I noticed quite a few sentences with some awkward wording, but from reading your other work, I'm pretty sure that's just because this one is still freshly written.
Another problem I had was some things felt overly described while others weren't at all. For instance, the corridor to Ys (I don't know if that is another reference to a game, but I enjoyed the game anyway) and Jones' "escape door" weren't very clear in my head as I was reading, whereas the zombies' description seemed to drag out.
My last few criticisms deal with your ending. For one, Jones' voice doesn't mirror the transformation he takes. He's mutated and brainwashed, but his diction is still clear. I know this might be hard to change, and the problem really doesn't detract from your story, but perhaps a difference in his voice could help. The other criticism is your ending makes the story feel too much like a first chapter or a video game introduction. This could be my bias since I have played Eternal Darkness (another good game), but still, I think you could perhaps make the ending feel a little less open-ended.
As with everyone else, my opinions are only opinions, but I hope they help.