Did stamper copy you or did you copy stamper?
I'm confused.
There's no such thing as a winnable war. It's a lie we don't believe any more.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 6/19/04
Did stamper copy you or did you copy stamper?
I'm confused.
About the pictures? I yoinked it from him.
Man, you and I think a lot alike. Especially the insulting.
: We will have to gang rape someone with our mighty e-penises sometime :3 It would be a sight to behold.
I hate people who flaunt their cartoon fetish around. Not because I'm hating on someones fetish but because they want attention for it. They're acting like they're 12.
And to be honest, it does gross me out a bit, and I try to remain quite, but its getting difficult not to speak my mind. Especially when I go into some one's user page and its covered with it.
Yeah, it's almost weird that it isn't against the rules to put porn in your userpage.
I'm the type of person who justs does my work and repeat.
Man, I'm really boring.
So am I. My entire logic of my GCSE years was "get in, do what is asked, get out as soon as possible".
Wait what?Fetish..Uh..Something about 14 year olds..Uh..Huh?
I like you for who you are, mate. You're awesome and have great taste in music and such. And anyway, I can't like you much for your rants because this is the only one of yours that I've paid attention to. =)
Question is, have you seen any of my others?