I don't usally play very many EA games anyways.
The Last one I played was 007 Nightfire.
Does that make me part of the boycott?
There's no such thing as a winnable war. It's a lie we don't believe any more.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 6/19/04
I don't usally play very many EA games anyways.
The Last one I played was 007 Nightfire.
Does that make me part of the boycott?
Sure, if you don't play them for about a month.
Sounds like a good plan, if the word can be spread.
First would like to find out if people agree with the idea, and then I will start about thinking of spreading the word and arrangements.
WAHAHAHA this is so true, im down with it, just tell me the date it starts and im joining 34 5(_|<|<5 3|\|3\^/4`/ XD
I think EA suck too and the only way they are making money is because of all the shite sports games they produce anually. Golf, football, basketball and all that cal. If we never had sports fans who also enjoyed gaming, EA would get what they deserve.
They truly are money grabbing bastards. They quickly moved in on the Harry Potter series too. We didn't need them as games but they thought that they should pull a shite game out of their ass just for every time a film is released.
EA a overrated but there is nothing we can do about it. =/
But we can try to protest. It's the least we can do. Trying beats the shit out of just sitting there and just accepting EA will always be that thorn in every gamer's side.
I'm actaully a ex clock. I left the site yesterday becasue it was just so bad there.
Oh...Damn....Still, it could be a nice idea if you could ask your MSN friends of their opinion of this idea. If I get enough "yes" answers, then I'll make a topic about it and then who knows? We might have a nice protest.
I'm for it, I'll be playing the likes of Civ IV and TF2 for a month (steam, no EA distribution) anyway. But the point is that EA are cunts and it does pull the fun out of gaming. They've took over production of C&C3, though made it an ok game gameplay wise, the feeling just wasn't C&C anymore.
So yeah, I'm for it and it would be nice if other people refused to buy/play them too.
I can only hope this goes ahead.
I would say I would help you with this protest but I never bought many of their games in the first place due to exact points you've made. I havn't bought an EA game in half a year
Then you may help by spreading word.
EA screwed over Flagship Studios, forcing them to make a Halloween release date for Hellgate: London. As a result, the game that got released to stores was not a finished game, it still had numerous bugs and other issues. For example, none of the unique items in the game have any special attributes yet. A game that could have been a really good game, has been turned into a crap game because EA wanted to make a Halloween release date and use that for its marketing.
It sucks because I was really looking forward to Hellgate, and then I got a subpar product.
I don't blame Flagship at all, because the lead guys in that company are all from Blizzard, they should know damn well you don't release a game until its done. It's all EA's doing, the bastards.
I know. EA has a habit of making insane deadlines. I'd rather a game be done to full-effect that be able to play a game just in time for a "special event" day like Halloween, Easter or Christmas.
i have always hated EA- i have madden 07(i think) and i cant even play it- the gameplay is shotty at best. the only cool thing about any madden game is the training camp. yeah-im getting off subject... anyway, their FPS's suck too. yeah, im done now.
I never really liked EA games in the first place, I can't stand having to swallow ANOTHER updated sports game, BUT NOW YOU CAN SEE THE SWEAT!
If theres one group of people that can come together for a common goal it's GOTTA be gamers.
I hope this works...
I hope so too.
I totally support you!
Good idea.
Thank you...
I agree, there hasents been a good EA game since 007 Nightfire. What I dont get is if they game flagship so much power, why didnt blizzard step in and crush EA? You know that Blizzard makes more money off WoW in one year then EA makes with all there games by far. Anyways back on to the subject; they need a wake up call. I hope that this can get together, and possibly open EA's eyes.
OR blizzard, or microsoft could buy them out and rape the CEO's.
Because game making is A LOT more than just money. A lot of people have realised this, sadly though EA thinks different.
Stab my heart all you want, as i know it. It's the stab of love :)
Uh huh...If you're into bondage and S&M, that's fine by me. Just as long I get to stab you over-and-over-again in the heart with a knife.
as long as you admit it's the stab of love :3 i'm ok with that
Stab of hatred.
no dude, it's the stab of love :) it's in your subconscious ;)
I'm sure...
Actually, some EA games are actually decent. But they just have so many games.
EA did not create them though. The developer did.
i read your blog, and you are correct. They hear about some great game developers game making place, for example Lionhead Studios, bought them up because of Fable 2! Then take credit for it, personally i did mind in the beginning but not anymore. But if they simple cough or even LOOK at the game, then i'll care.
But protesting isn't simple, they've used psychology on us. Because they've asked us "would the developers still be in place if we didn't buy them?" which they have a point with, simply because no one knows the future (not even God! he made his own rules about that)
But i can assure you that i hate EA, nenver made games that are good, and as you said just stick with the usual, same gameplay and slap on a new price tag and sell a quarter of a million.
Don't touch me.
I consider EA's way of staying as the "financial kings" immoral and bad. And recently they did nothing than pouring out bad, re-released games(ie, slap a 08 on it, and it's good to go.) But we cannot forgot some of the better things they did, such as finacially supporting Will Wright(he dismantled the myth about EA aggresivly buying the rights to the Sims,- Marxis dumped it.)
Still, I do not appreciate the value of most of their games, so I'm supporting this idea. But eh, count me out when Spore is released ;)
And when will it be released?
Somwhere in spring 2008. Possibly March. I believe it's the only game where EA hasn't pushed the release. Originally, it was supposed to come out in 2006.
Thank god they didn't push.
I'm down with this dude. EA needs to get their heads out of their asses.
Thank you. If you could ask the Clock Crew of their opinion, I'd be grateful. Because if everyone is happy to do this, then I'm happy to try sorting it out.