There's no such thing as a winnable war. It's a lie we don't believe any more.

Age 34, Male



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Zero Zero Oh Five UFO

Posted by Lost-Chances - October 30th, 2008

Jonathan decided to take a day or two off out of working in the office. He worked at a local newspaper company called The Five Star News editing articles. He'd occasionally make an article where he debated an event such as a gay protest against an insurance company that charged more against homosexuals due to their risk of dying being higher than heterosexual people. Of course, the insurance company paid him a few thousand and the company about ten or twenty thousand if he argued in favour of the insurance company, of course he had to drop a few things against the insurance company to make it more believable but ended it in the insurance company favour that they were a private business and if the gay men didn't like it then they can go else where.

Of course, there was a little uproar but it was quickly dismissed as he spoke to them and told them "it was his opinion which if they don't like, they can go elsewhere". The manager was a little edgy at the time but the extra money in his pocket helped him to be more comfortable. Of course, the manager sometimes stepped in to stop certain stories that may hurt "certain people". Why it was, he never spoke but he often took the person creating the story into his office to talk about it. All Jonathan heard after one of his friends tried to publish a story about how a man abused his daughter and is now in court was that it was "the story or his job", he can either not publish it or lose his job. Obviously, the article was scrapped.

The wheels spun wildly every so often under the loose small rocks as he drove towards the car-park of the forest. He drove carefully and slowly after he once tried to drive over the rocks about fifteen years ago which ended up one of the rocks being flicked up and hitting another car's windscreen. One thing lead to another and he was in jail that night which ended up him paying for a new windscreen not to mention there was a few other damages such as his nose. There wasn't a car in sight, but he still felt paranoid about hitting a car with a loose stone. He finally reached the empty car park and parked up. He knew he wouldn't have a problem with his car since it was Wednesday while everyone is working or at school and everyone else...Well...He highly doubted his car would be vandalised.

He unlocked the boot of the car shoved his tent, his sleeping bag, pillow and a cover under his arm, barely, and slammed the boot shut. His clicked the button on his keys to lock it, another time to put the alarm on. He shoved the keys sloppily into his pocket as he juggled with his stuff and ended up dropping it all. With a sigh, Jonathan collected his sleeping gear again into his arms and walked off into the forest. He walked until a clearly of land reached him. He walked to what he could only guess was the centre and dropped the gear. He could see it was getting darker so he quickly tried to set up the gear as fast as he could. Now, this was a problem since not two hours ago he had purchased the one man tent so he had no idea what he was doing. Before he realised it, it was pitch black. "FUCKING HELL" Jonathan yelled as he grabbed the torch and twisted the switch so he could see what he was doing.

Just as he connected, what he could only presume, was two pipes that was meant to be the bottom left ground wire, he felt weird. He felt light everywhere, especially in his head. He felt like a cow with a train racing towards it as he finally noticed what was weird. His feet wasn't on the floor. He looked up at the sky just to see the black clouds and the moon shining. His camp sight went smaller, and smaller, and smaller until he could barely see the light that was where he was meant to be sleeping. Then, he felt a sharp shock which didn't hurt in the back of his head and he blacked out.

When Jonathan woke up, he was strapped onto what felt like a cold hard metal table but...Something was different...He would look down but his head was strapped to face up. He could only see the roof which was of a metallic design but...The material didn't seem metallic at the same time. Something was off. One of the strapped unwound it's self which allowed his head to be free. He looked around his surroundings but still with a feeling of acceptance as though he didn't care. The table he was strapped on was semi-see-through and purple...And...Floating?! It was odd and he knew he'd usually panic but something prevented him from caring too much. Jonathan's chamber seemed to remind him of a normal hospital room besides the bed and with weird instruments that he could not comprehend. Two beings, covered by a black cloak that seemed to be a normal cloth that covered them and was facing down to prevent their faces from being looked at, seemed to hover into the chamber. Them came next to him and then looked at him dead in the face together. They wore masks that can only be compared to gas-masks. With dark blue bug-eyes too tinted for him to look in, a very dark black material that seemed metallic covering everywhere else and with a pipe that came out where a mouth would normally be heading into the cloak. The head shape seemed narrow and they seemed a lot more thinner and taller generally than a normal being. The left one extended a glove, which was leather and seemed like a human hand, over Jonathan's head which a voice that seem angelic spoke saying "do not worry, it wouldn't hurt, we've tried to make it as normal to your human surroundings so you do not feel alarmed". The glove then went closer to Jonathan's eyes which suddenly made him sleepier and sleepier...

I made multiple endings, pick whatever you please.

Ending 1:

Jonathan never woke up after that although do not worry, he was found. His head and eyes was bloated, his arms and legs thinned, his body shape while normal lacked quite a few things such as genitalia. He was dumped deep within the forest where he was originally picked up a cream colour and naked. He was picked up by police which then the FBI came to study the corpse. It was similar to all the other corpses they had picked up which were aliens that seemed to be symmetrical to the stereotypical image of an alien and thus no one heard of the real image much much longer.

Ending 2:

Jonathan woke up, standing...Well...Crouching over his camp. His new spine meant that he was smaller in size, the muscle instead of skin meant his was stronger, his new ears meant he could hear better, his new nose meant he could smell better and his new blade instead of a left hand, claws on feet and right hand and fangs for teeth meant he was now more deadly than ever. His entire body bared no resemblance to his old body but who was he to care? His name wasn't Jonathan any more, his name was Fal'gulth and he was now programmed to bring the mankind to submission by any means necessary. This may of been the end of the story of Jonathan, the poor innocent office worker but this was now a new story of Fal'gulth, the meanest and deadliest weapon mankind has ever faced. A weapon that aimed to bring the planet Earth and everyone on it to it's knees.


You totally stole mai user picture idea.


I prefer ending 1. It's the most evil.

Each ending has it's own form of evilness.

I'm glad we've had this delightful chat, good sir.

Any reason at all? Last time I checked, you were having a paddy.

I really enjoyed this story, there was something about it that kept me hooked the whole way through. Personally I'd say that ending one should be the only ending there, ending 2 just makes it too far fetched and fantasy-like. Ending one was quite creepy and rounded off the story in a good yet sinister way.

Overall, good job and a worthy read.

I put both endings mostly because I couldn't decide which one to use and decided to allow the reader to choose whatever ending he/she preferred. Some people like darker horror-like stuff, some like well...It's hard to describe ending A.