Hi there! My name is "Lost-Chances" and I have my own page here at Newgrounds! You can too, just sign up!
Once you are logged in, you will see a button called "My Account" in the top right corner of the screen. Clicking this will take you to a page like the one below. As a member of Newgrounds, I can post news and pictures like this whenever I want! If I have contributions such as music and Flash, I can even post my news to the Newgrounds front page!
My account configuration options give me the ability to upload a user picture and a page header. It's a great place to share my favorite NG submissions with everyone, as well as the latest news about what I'm up to! You should totally try it!
Wow that is amazing!
I can't believe this easter egg of the re-design has gone unnoticed for so long!
I know!