There's no such thing as a winnable war. It's a lie we don't believe any more.

Age 34, Male



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Rant: Let's Be Cool Guys.

Posted by Lost-Chances - October 5th, 2007

Is it me or is everyone just trying to be cool?

I've lost count the amount of people who are "fur-fags"/ "bi-furrys" or just furries. I've also lost count the amount of people against furries. Seriously, you're not cool. If you hate furries, ok. If you're a furry, ok. That doesn't mean at all you can start filling pages with furry related stuff. I don't mind it if you want to talk about it a little, but when you're making poor furry quizs and filling your userpage up with furry pornography. That's when things get fucking stupid.

It's like if I had a foot fetish (I don't...Honest) and started making signatures with feet with faces on them. Then animating them into flashes and posting foot fetish pornography. It's rediculas. You're not impressing anyone by showing you're a furry. You're just showing that you're abnormal. Strange. You don't need to start jamming your fetish down every other person's throat. Saying "LOOK AT ME! I LOOK AT A PORNOGRAPHY THAT IS ONE UP FROM BEASTALITY!".

Then there's the haters. Ok, I understand it that you've seen people with it and you're disgusted. But a fetish is a fetish. You don't need to say "ew, your sick" and things like that. I mean, seriously, what the fuck is that going to achieve? You have a higher post count, well done. You're not impressing anyone that has a brain cell count of above 10. You're also not going to get furries to suddenly think "oh well, people find it disgusting, I think I'll stop". A fetish is a fetish. It isn't (if people aren't pretending to appear cool) something you can turn on and off at free will. If you don't want to find something sexual and you find it very sexual, it takes weeks, months, maybe years, to crack out of the idea that something is sexual.

Then there's the pricks that go about doing things to impress people. They'll post a "humorous" (subjective) topic. Not because they find it funny, but just because they know they can make others laugh (well...Others don't...Ever...). But not only will they post a topic to appear cooler in other arse-holes' eyes, but they will also 99.5% use bandwagons or unoriginal methods. Why try to make their own humour when they can use swoop-da-whoop (thanks for stealing from 4chan failures) and sex/rape stories (it was funny the first one hundred and twenty times. Honest). It's fucking boring. It got boring so fast, it was unfunny by the following week. If not faster (Rick Roll wasn't funny at the start and became annoying in a matter of days).

When you join a trend, you are not considered cool. You are not suddenly "one of the elite" when you decide to start doing "RICK ROLL" to everyone. You're (in my eyes at least) pathetic. A fucking sheep. The only thing you could be doing is making the trend-starter more popular (when it's NG brewed only though). It also makes you look like a bandwagon whore.

Lastly, I hate bastards who like me. Not because of who I am. But just because I insult people. That, I do for my own personal fucking enjoyment. I don't need some fourteen year old unoriginal unimaginative twat asking for my X-Box 360 gamer tag because I've managed to insult someone in a way that amuses me (Oh, hello Chiklay4) or applauding me just because I can insult in a way to surgests that I do it for others (E.G. "Oh LC your rants against noobs warm my heart so. <3", Hi Twilight-Knight). I post and I insult for my own pleasure. Not yours, not anyone else's.

Blah, I'm tired. I need some sleep.



I like you for who you are, mate. You're awesome and have great taste in music and such. And anyway, I can't like you much for your rants because this is the only one of yours that I've paid attention to. =)

Question is, have you seen any of my others?

Did stamper copy you or did you copy stamper?

I'm confused.

About the pictures? I yoinked it from him.



Man, you and I think a lot alike. Especially the insulting.

: We will have to gang rape someone with our mighty e-penises sometime :3 It would be a sight to behold.


I hate people who flaunt their cartoon fetish around. Not because I'm hating on someones fetish but because they want attention for it. They're acting like they're 12.
And to be honest, it does gross me out a bit, and I try to remain quite, but its getting difficult not to speak my mind. Especially when I go into some one's user page and its covered with it.

Yeah, it's almost weird that it isn't against the rules to put porn in your userpage.

I'm the type of person who justs does my work and repeat.

Man, I'm really boring.

So am I. My entire logic of my GCSE years was "get in, do what is asked, get out as soon as possible".

Wait what?Fetish..Uh..Something about 14 year olds..Uh..Huh?
