There's no such thing as a winnable war. It's a lie we don't believe any more.

Age 34, Male



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Posted by Lost-Chances - July 19th, 2009

A new unfinished story which is meant to fit in with this song:

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /251333

Any helpful advice would be appreciated.



I slowly opened my eyes to my surroundings. My head was on the floor sideways, my right and left arms sprawled out above my head as though I was surrendering to an invisible force . "Where am I..." I thought, as I stared at the walls of my place of resting. It was like a secret unknown cavern, a rock face with pillars of stone coming out of the ceiling, the ground and the surface, but...Bluer. If it wasn't for the lack of any sensation of being cold, I would have assumed I was in some ice cavern in the artic.


I turned my head, trying to pinpoint the location of the noise with no luck. The darker blue rock floor led away from myself until it met a pool of water about ten feet away. The water seemed to be the main point of this room with a trail of cobalt around the indoor lake.

As I raised myself to my feet and looked around in confusion, trying to find out where I was, I realised there was something else strange: I wasn't in the clothes I last remembered myself in. I was...With Steve in the pub and had been wearing a collared long-sleeved white shirt and black trousers, with a black belt, and brown formal shoes. I had finished another shift at work and was having a pint of beer with Steve; and then...


I studied my clothing to see a dark brown leather sleeved shirt that ended at my forearms, dark brown leather trousers and black...Cloth wrapped around my feet up to half way up my shins. While the cloth felt vulnerable, something about them felt like they'd offer better protection than they look. I also realised my hair was a little bit longer than it was what felt like ten minutes ago and I had stubbles of hair beginning to reach out of my lower-face which used to not exist at all.


I searched my surrounding, while feeling awfully vulnerable, for just any weapon or tool to guard myself with just in case. Bits of rocks...Ah! I spotted it a few steps away: A long slender brown/blue stick roughly four feet long. Considering it was a stick, it was strangely smooth with absolutely no sign of bark, as though someone had carved the bark off. I bent over and picked it up, gripping it at one end. Something about it felt powerful but I still wanted (my dag-) a gun.


I observed the trail I was on. It appeared I was at a dead-end and would need to follow a winding trail to the only exit that I could reach. There appeared to be a lot of light trying to reach into the cavern through the only exit, but was having very little luck as only a small amount of the sun's rays were creeping in. Enough for you to see, but only just enough.

I crept along the rocky floor, my feet surprisingly not in agony every time I stood on or kicked any loose rock, towards the exit while I tried to work out what happened. "Okay, so I went to work today, and then on the way back, I stopped outside a pub, took my tie off and met...Oh god...Who did I meet...Okay, so I went to work, and...Oh god, who was it that wanted me to meet him at the pub? Okay, so I drove home after and...Did I leave my briefcase in the car? Oh of course I did, but was that all? Then I went all the way home? I went in doors and fed...Something...A dog, cat or a graindof? No!", I kicked a loose stone harder out of frustration of my conflicting thoughts. "Wait! So I got up, brushed my teeth, washed my face, walked to work, went home...What?". I clutched my head and shouted "FOR THE LOVE OF MY FATHER, WHAT HAPPENED?! WHERE AM I?!" My skull hurt. It was like it was three sizes too small for me; as though I had a second brain in my head, interrupting me...Corrupting me...Oh god...What had happened?


Suddenly, a creature appeared; taking a few noisy steps in front of me. I quickly darted behind a boulder. I don't think it saw me...I hope it didn't see me...I peaked out. No...It didn't...It was like a walking crimson cockroach on it's long back legs up-right with two thick lobster-like arms which both ended with pincers. Its face, hiding between the back armour and the belly armour, was nothing more than two black beady eyes and a small mouth that remained closed. How could it breathe...It's beyond me...


I clutched my wooden "sword" (if you could call it that) by it handle but I could tell, just looking at it, that my stick would be unable to harm it. If I had my (stra-) penknife on me, I probably could sharpen the stick, sneak up on it and jam it into its face and even then it was risky. It relied on it not smelling you, for the stick to cause enough damage to surprise it at least and for you to be able to run away fast enough from it before it had time to react. How many men have those pincers ended the life of...

It took another step, turning around; I made two small steps to another boulder, trying to get around it. Straight after, it took another step. As though cautious of something...Had it smelled me? I took another two fast steps to another boulder. It took a third step, as though hearing something from a boulder in front of it. I took another two. For about four more times, we carried on batting back and forwards, It taking one step to another boulder and me taking two to hide towards another boulder; one closer to my destination. Finally, when I was sure I was safe; I crept all the way towards the entrance, the blinding light finally engulfing me.

I couldn't see anything, my eyes in a little pain due to the brightness with my arms not helping with its desperate and vain shielding attempts. I let out a sigh of relief, although I'm not sure why, as I heard a wave break up onto a shore and then roll back.

Word count: 1061

Editted: Final one.


Very detailed into the character and his movements. A lot of depth to what you're trying to achieve in this story. Though unfinished, it has a lot of potential to be a very good story (well it's already a good story in my opinion).

Hope you get it finished.

(Btw, the added "Drip..." parts between each paragraphs adds something to it, I just can't put my finger on it right now.

Thanks again for another comment. I'll probably do some more work on it tomorrow. Just waiting to hear of more ways to improve it.



Cool story bro.

Constructive as always.

You've always been as useful as slamming your hand in a drawer to fix a computer fault.

i think i dripped in my pants D:
