Well, this is it! I've started today and I'm on target of today at 1,781 when the minimum was 1,667. So far, it's actually a lot harder than I anticipated, just the sheer amount of time I had to spend doing it. Also found I couldn't seem to do it in a sprint so I had to take breaks.
You can probably watch my progress here to see if I'm keeping up with the expected goals. In terms of actual content, I'm on part three of chapter one so there is much more to go, thank god, but it appears a bit slow. Oh well, hopefully thirty days I'll have myself a novel to edit.
On an unrelated note, in a humorous twist, I've found out that the most likely and ideal university I may be able to get into is actually at the same place the majority of the plot is based: York. Which should lead to a bit of humour if I drop the fact I'm doing this in my letter thing for universities.
Looks very interesting so far. Nice to see you keep it up. You have a lot of potential, good day.
To be honest, I'm struggling like fuck, but whatever happens, happens I guess.