There's no such thing as a winnable war. It's a lie we don't believe any more.

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The More You Know.

Posted by Lost-Chances - September 14th, 2010

Contrary to popular belief, feminism can be pretty good and logical. However, people seem to get confused and are unable to wrap themselves around the idea of feminism. So let's look at it in a bit more detail.

Feminism: The sociological ideology that looks at society from the perspective that there is a gender gap in society that can not be closed due to factors in society but should be. The dumbed down version is it's a group of people who believe that there are differences between males and females besides biological that should be closed. That is the idea generally, but you'll see what I mean when I say that it's not the whole thing and there are deviations.

Let me start off by saying there isn't just one group of feminists. There are five types, including one that combines two other ones, as far as I am aware.

Liberal Feminists: These are the feminists who are considered the least extreme and there-fore may be undistinguishable from the average person. These are the feminists who recognise there is an unfair gender gap between males and females such as acts of sexism (I'm looking at you Newgrounds, staring at women's arses and telling them to fuck off back to the kitchen) but feels this needs to be conquered through changes in policies and laws. Now, surprisingly, liberal feminists don't just want to get rid of the bad parts females have in society, oh no. They want to get rid of the bad things men have as well. The idea of females having to stay at home all day and men having to go out and work? Gone. The idea of women automatically having the kids? Gone. The idea of a curriculum favouring women (the recent "LET'S PUT COURSEWORK IN!" thing? That was to help females do better)? You better believe they are closely regulating it; especially since there is currently a large gender gap in terms of academic achievements at GCSE level (English final compulsory exam to Americans). Simplified: These are you friends.

Marxist Feminists: A little more hardcore, they begin to bring in the whole "men fuck over the women" thing and start to bring in more sexist views. However, you can still roll with it just because it's Marxism, the working class hero. The ideology is the idea that females get hit twice as hard. They get shoved into a patriarchy (men > women) and also they get screwed by the upper class. The women being punched in the face? Notice how they are working class? One theory is because working class men are frustrated over being used and abused by the upper class, they take out their frustrations on the women. So not only do women get told to go die by the big bad corporations ("HAHA, MAKE US MONEY, AND THEN GIVE IT BACK THROUGH FASHION AND MAKE-UP! HAHA!"), but they also have to nurse black eyes from being punched because men are more on edge due to being frustrated at his inability to get into the cool jobs and make a lot of money. The solution? Depends who you ask. Mostly it's communism, which you can see how well that worked out in Russia and China.

Radical Feminists: Oh boy, this is the big one. The ones every guy and most females hate. This is the figure that springs to mind to most people when you say "feminism". They're the ones with short hair screaming "AAAHH, PATRIARCHY! GO MURDER A MAAAANNN!". Well, they don't encourage murder of males, but what they do encourage is what they call "political lesbianism". This is, in a nut shell, the absolute opposite to a gay camp. Instead of letting any sexuality be, they push the feminist into being a lesbian, even if their natural orientation is heterosexuality. This is to escape the oppressive state of being heterosexual, a sexuality which allows men to dominate them. It's then ironic that they are pushing women through peer pressure into being a sexuality they're not, to "escape from being oppressed from men". So oppressed by men to oppressed by women...Hhhmm...Add to this they consider it more free, despite the male and females relationship roles (sociologically, referred to as instrumental and expressive roles) occurring in heterosexual and gay relationships. In short, there's nothing to assume they're going to be in a more equal position. It could just be licking a cunt instead of sucking a dick and having a shit ton of homophobia being the changes. I could probably go all day about radical feminists being illogical, but it's like preaching to a choir. Oh, and most radical feminists suggest anarchy as a solution and some encourage a matriarchy to emerge...Hhhmmm...

Black Feminist: Similar to Marxist Feminists, they feel women are oppressed twice. However, not only they are oppressed by men, but also racially by non-black individuals. Naturally, they don't care about non-black people nor do they encourage equality rather than elimination of negatives of being black, well, as far as I know anyway.

Duel-Systems Feminism: To sum it up, it's the combination of Marxism Feminism and Radical Feminism.

As you may of noticed; there is not only more than one group of feminists but there is also a large different between Liberal Feminists and Radical Feminists. Like the difference between having some gum in your mouth and having a gun in your mouth. I don't ask for complete knowledge about feminism, all I ask is for you to refer to "extremist females" as "Radical Feminists" and not just "Feminists". Do this, and it makes it easier for me to make an intelligent response and not just shit out a retarded comment or just make a comment pointing out the error. I'm more than happy to just shit out stupid comments, 30,000 posts and why stop there? I'm also more than happy to slow down and put more thought into posts from "rarely" to "time-to-time" to "often"; however first you have to show that I wouldn't just be yelling something above people's heads that will never be observed. First you must work, and then you will get your meal.


I loved reading this post. Flat out admittance, I could not have read something as good as this in a long while.

Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad someone read all that. When I wrote it and posted it, I was surprised at the length of it. I was sure no one would read all of that, but I'm happy someone did manage to. Thanks a lot.

I do sociology at AS level, and I didn't read any of that.