Well, me and girlfriend number two are likely going our separate ways. Well, I'm going to ask for a break from her, just let us be friends for a while. While she was nice to me, she was severely depressed to the point where I'd get frustrated. I couldn't even compliment her due to her self esteem issues just because she'd argue against the idea that she is beautiful to me. Maybe I'll date her again, maybe I'll back out of it, or maybe I'll find someone else. Oh, and expect something new here some time in the near future after the grammar is corrected.
Edit: Nevermind, bitch has me in a relationship still.
Edit 2: Relationship over.
She Obviously still needs you. Figure out what cheers her up and do it. Your significant other is suppose to bring you up not leave you down.
Unless you already tried that, your user name says it all.
Dude I was looking at my old posts and saw this
<a href="http://beastkid7.newgrounds.com/news/post/217017">http://beastkid7.newgrounds.com/news/
lol that was a dick move dude. I now know who Lazzymuffin is but. I didn't then. The art in that movie was fantastic tho.
Shut up.