Okay, I wrote a load of nonsense a day or two ago. So to fill the gap, I have decided to update on the situation of "THE BBS STORY THAT NEVER ENDS".
While the end is not in sight, there will be another chapter soon. It will all get uploaded onto a website called Fourth Perspective (link) along side another chapter for another story I'm trying to do called Reality and a bunch of unfinished stuff just like the two stories. They will be all hosted all together with all the chapters together so anyone who wants to read the chapters so far can easily do it.
So watch this space. Could be tomorrow, could be a month. But it will happen.
Edit: And it's up! It's under Novels and is called Scrap Book Part 1. I didn't manage to put in a chapter of Reality in there but the unfinished stuff and a "unreleased" chapter of White Larynx is there. I also plan to finish it, host it on FP and then bump the old story topic to let people know. Reason is due to the rule against BBS story topics.
I'm watching intently.
Watch harder.