There's no such thing as a winnable war. It's a lie we don't believe any more.

Age 34, Male



Joined on 6/19/04

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Lost-Chances's News

Posted by Lost-Chances - August 25th, 2008

But I'll get her back, you watch.

Posted by Lost-Chances - August 15th, 2008

Here's a nice friendly list of what's been happening within the last month:
My dad got a job scare because the company he worked at was losing money.

My dad got in a crash. No injuries but the front right wheel was hit hard by the jeep leaving a dent big enough to fuck the wheel up hard. He got a replacement car.

A girl I met on WoW mentioned the idea of me meeting her (before you read on, I saw her on webcam and spoke over the phone so no balding overweight 40 year old). She planned for me to meet her up there.

The girl asked her family, only her sister rejected because the girl had never seen me off-line.

Re-arranged for her to come down to my house.

My dad sent the car to a company the insurance company chose for repairs.

My dad got paid £1,000 because the damage was unrepairable.

The girl came to stay. After resting my head on her a lot while watching House, I finally asked her out. She accepted. We kissed with lips, which quickly moved to tongues. We had a little sex, the first time after a few beers (no worries, I wasn't too drunk for it to be shit, it was just enough to give me the guts). She went back up.

My dad's company laid off some people.

I blocked Skybolt and TwilightFox forever. They're alt accounts.

I took the train to her place. We fucked a few times. I lost my wallet with about £50, my credit card, my national insurance card and two top-up cards. Oh, and a card with my pin-number on (it's a very long story why). We had a big freak out twice which nearly fucked everything up. Once when she was constantly paranoid about my sexuality (oh, I'm bisexual). She was worried about how I wanted guys and so on. Finally she calmed down. Another time when I made a joke about her weight (We insult each other a lot) and she took it the wrong way. Deeply considering dumping me. I'd say it's the worse I felt in a good long while. The next morning, she forgave me and we decided to stay together. I went back home.

My dad's company went into administration.

Got my A-Level results. 2 Es and 2 Us. Redoing year 12.

I got a text from the "WoW girl" saying she had tonsillitis. Considering this was about two days after I last met her, there was a fear that I may of got it from her (since she heard you can catch it by kissing). The back of my teeth to the right still hurt but will likely go away soon. She ended up getting time off work and picked some stuff from the pharmacy. She spent the rest of the day throwing up and feeling sick.

I did my first real WoW raid. I wasn't too good but it went surprisingly well.

In the near future (tomorrow), my dad is travelling to Sheffield. I'll be staying down getting drunk (hopefully).

Lately, things have been going insanely fast for me since I am used to the "same shit different day" and usually don't get even close to this much happening in 6 months if not a year. Let alone in one month. Bah, hope things get a little better.

And some music to finish this off.

/* */
Edit: Got drunk while my dad was away. Ended up staying up until 6am thanks to two litres of energy drink. Also consumed most of a large chocolate bar and 12 apple pies. Also drunk over 10 cans. Made a beer-can staff which was quickly taken apart due to my dad arriving home later than day. My dad got paid less than £1,000 due to some bill. He got paid just over £700 instead.

Posted by Lost-Chances - April 16th, 2008



/* */
This was the best quality I could find.

Posted by Lost-Chances - February 7th, 2008

Okay, I wrote a load of nonsense a day or two ago. So to fill the gap, I have decided to update on the situation of "THE BBS STORY THAT NEVER ENDS".

While the end is not in sight, there will be another chapter soon. It will all get uploaded onto a website called Fourth Perspective (link) along side another chapter for another story I'm trying to do called Reality and a bunch of unfinished stuff just like the two stories. They will be all hosted all together with all the chapters together so anyone who wants to read the chapters so far can easily do it.

So watch this space. Could be tomorrow, could be a month. But it will happen.

Edit: And it's up! It's under Novels and is called Scrap Book Part 1. I didn't manage to put in a chapter of Reality in there but the unfinished stuff and a "unreleased" chapter of White Larynx is there. I also plan to finish it, host it on FP and then bump the old story topic to let people know. Reason is due to the rule against BBS story topics.

Posted by Lost-Chances - November 9th, 2007

This is an idea I thought up recently and want your opinions on it.

For a very long time, EA have been far from being gamers making games. They have been nothing short of money-grabbing-bastards. Now, I would usually let this slide but due to how big they have become and the large amount of things wrong with them, I refuse to just accept this idea.

If you check Wikipedia, you will find that EA has a reputation of buying out smaller companies and shutting them down. They offer very limited patches and use EA servers instead of the Microsoft servers (for X-Box 360 live) due to a dispute over money. Their games are often full of glitches or problems.

These aren't the only problems. They make deadlines which are often too short, normally resorting

in a rushed game. Employees were being forced to work up to 80 hours a week, even if the game wasn't being released soon. They ended up being sued over $30 million by their own employees for this. Their games have slowly decreased in any form of quality. They've bought out smaller companies to only close them. They've closed servers without much reason (another reason why Microsoft servers are often better).

There is even a mention that EA actually changed the Wikipedia about them to make bias news in their favour. They've released a stupid amount of themes for Madden NFL 07, each 150 Microsoft points. They've released games for sports which...There shouldn't even be a game for. Such as NASCAR 08. I mean, come on. I am not trying to say it is an idiotic sport (even if it is), I am saying however a destruction derby game would be more better but yet again, EA wants yet more money.

Since the beginning of X-Box 360, they've released 5 basketball games, a NASCAR game, 3 American Football games and 2 hockey games. Mostly with only very minor and subtle differences, with updated roosters. Not to mention the newest Need For Speed games often feel rushed with only minor alterations. Only one major alteration.

I could go on why I feel so strongly against EA. But it isn't about what I feel, because as we all know, one man can hardly do much against something as big as EA without stepping into illegal grounds.

So, what I think we should do is a simple protest. That's all. We stop using whatever games they've published. We stop using their servers. We don't buy any games that has anything to do with EA. We just stop using whatever has anything to do with EA for a length of time like a month just so they get the picture. So hopefully they see that they can't just simply treat everyone like shit and still expect money to roll in.

But this is an open subject. If people disagree with this and feel this is a stupid idea then fine. This will be dropped and never mentioned again. But if this is something everyone feels the same about. Then I will try to arrange it. It will only spread to everyone though if everyone spreads it to their friends and their friends tell their friends. So on, word of mouth.

I can only hope you feel the same way I do about this.

Posted by Lost-Chances - October 10th, 2007

Here is a link to the topic of it. There is very few confirmed details and so on. This will be updated with confirmed things or things that look very highly to happen. I will also be putting the list of writers on this when I feel I have a large enough list.

Edit: I accidentally put worse instead of worst. Fuck.

Edit: ONCE AGAIN the BBS kill joy. They have decided to lock the topic saying no story topics. Which is stupid because this is no a solo story. This is a collaboration.

Fucking pieces of shit.

Edit: Looks like it will be happening.

Here's the list of writers in chapter order:


There will be one loop so it should be about 18 chapters long, with Ledgey starting and MattTheParanoidKat finishing it off. The "plot" (if you can call it that) is whatever you like. I am giving you absolute freedom of who your character is and what he does. The only restriction is that he must interact with the next character in one way or another. This will be how the story will carry on.

If you're a little confused, then please message me. I am sorry to say that we will be accepting no new writers. The dead-line is 27th of October. Giving you just less than a week to write your chapter. If you need an extension, then please message me. Because of the way the "plot" is set out, it will mean you will have to talk to the people before and after you about both chapters you are doing. So for instance, I would have to bother 36Holla and Jenou about my 2 chapters so 36Holla's chapters can include both my characters in the end of his chapters and so my characters can interact with both Jenou's characters at the end of both chapters.

How the finishing result will be sorted is unsure. But I will try to put it into a topic with a little bit of luck. I will also try to put it into user-pages some-way. Either I collect them all in and host it onto this user-page (obviously crediting each writer) or get each writer to host their chapter and put a link at the end of each chapter to the next chapter. I will also put together a collection of links to each chapter in one huge user-page news post.

So start writing?

Posted by Lost-Chances - October 5th, 2007

Is it me or is everyone just trying to be cool?

I've lost count the amount of people who are "fur-fags"/ "bi-furrys" or just furries. I've also lost count the amount of people against furries. Seriously, you're not cool. If you hate furries, ok. If you're a furry, ok. That doesn't mean at all you can start filling pages with furry related stuff. I don't mind it if you want to talk about it a little, but when you're making poor furry quizs and filling your userpage up with furry pornography. That's when things get fucking stupid.

It's like if I had a foot fetish (I don't...Honest) and started making signatures with feet with faces on them. Then animating them into flashes and posting foot fetish pornography. It's rediculas. You're not impressing anyone by showing you're a furry. You're just showing that you're abnormal. Strange. You don't need to start jamming your fetish down every other person's throat. Saying "LOOK AT ME! I LOOK AT A PORNOGRAPHY THAT IS ONE UP FROM BEASTALITY!".

Then there's the haters. Ok, I understand it that you've seen people with it and you're disgusted. But a fetish is a fetish. You don't need to say "ew, your sick" and things like that. I mean, seriously, what the fuck is that going to achieve? You have a higher post count, well done. You're not impressing anyone that has a brain cell count of above 10. You're also not going to get furries to suddenly think "oh well, people find it disgusting, I think I'll stop". A fetish is a fetish. It isn't (if people aren't pretending to appear cool) something you can turn on and off at free will. If you don't want to find something sexual and you find it very sexual, it takes weeks, months, maybe years, to crack out of the idea that something is sexual.

Then there's the pricks that go about doing things to impress people. They'll post a "humorous" (subjective) topic. Not because they find it funny, but just because they know they can make others laugh (well...Others don't...Ever...). But not only will they post a topic to appear cooler in other arse-holes' eyes, but they will also 99.5% use bandwagons or unoriginal methods. Why try to make their own humour when they can use swoop-da-whoop (thanks for stealing from 4chan failures) and sex/rape stories (it was funny the first one hundred and twenty times. Honest). It's fucking boring. It got boring so fast, it was unfunny by the following week. If not faster (Rick Roll wasn't funny at the start and became annoying in a matter of days).

When you join a trend, you are not considered cool. You are not suddenly "one of the elite" when you decide to start doing "RICK ROLL" to everyone. You're (in my eyes at least) pathetic. A fucking sheep. The only thing you could be doing is making the trend-starter more popular (when it's NG brewed only though). It also makes you look like a bandwagon whore.

Lastly, I hate bastards who like me. Not because of who I am. But just because I insult people. That, I do for my own personal fucking enjoyment. I don't need some fourteen year old unoriginal unimaginative twat asking for my X-Box 360 gamer tag because I've managed to insult someone in a way that amuses me (Oh, hello Chiklay4) or applauding me just because I can insult in a way to surgests that I do it for others (E.G. "Oh LC your rants against noobs warm my heart so. <3", Hi Twilight-Knight). I post and I insult for my own pleasure. Not yours, not anyone else's.

Blah, I'm tired. I need some sleep.

Posted by Lost-Chances - September 5th, 2007

Hi there! My name is "Lost-Chances" and I have my own page here at Newgrounds! You can too, just sign up!

Once you are logged in, you will see a button called "My Account" in the top right corner of the screen. Clicking this will take you to a page like the one below. As a member of Newgrounds, I can post news and pictures like this whenever I want! If I have contributions such as music and Flash, I can even post my news to the Newgrounds front page!

My account configuration options give me the ability to upload a user picture and a page header. It's a great place to share my favorite NG submissions with everyone, as well as the latest news about what I'm up to! You should totally try it!

User pages rule!

Posted by Lost-Chances - August 23rd, 2007

Just got my GCSE results right now and while I am not disappointed, I feel I could of done better. These are my results:
Media Studies: D.
Business Studies: D.
Mathematics: B.
Citizenship: D.
English: C.
English Literature: C.
Science: B and B.

So I got the 5 A-Cs I needed badly but I can't help but think I expected a higher mark than a B in science. I'm happy I got two Cs for English since out of all the "core" subjects, it was the one I was most worried about since I normally did horrible in the exam. But still, I don't care too much that I got Bs instead of As. Or that I got Ds in some subjects. I got what I wanted and that's it.

Posted by Lost-Chances - August 10th, 2007